What is difference in use and run methods in middleware in asp.net core

 In ASP.NET Core, the Use and Run extension methods are used to add middleware components to the pipeline, but they have different purposes and behaviors.

The Use method is used to add middleware components that handle the request and can pass it down the pipeline to the next middleware component. The Use method takes a delegate that represents the middleware logic and must invoke the next middleware component in the pipeline using the next parameter. 

Here's an example:

app.Use(async (context, next) =>


    // Middleware logic...

    await next();


In this example, we're using the Use method to add a middleware component that handles the request and passes it to the next middleware component in the pipeline using the next delegate.

On the other hand, the Run method is used to add middleware components that generate a response directly and don't pass the request to the next middleware component in the pipeline. The Run method takes a delegate that represents the middleware logic and must generate a response using the context parameter. 

Here's an example:

app.Run(async context =>


    // Middleware logic...

    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello, World!");


In this example, we're using the Run method to add a middleware component that generates a response directly using the Response property of the HttpContext.

So, the main difference between Use and Run is that Use passes the request to the next middleware component in the pipeline, while Run generates a response directly and doesn't pass the request to the next middleware component. It's important to use the appropriate method based on the middleware's purpose and behavior.