What is implementation of JWT authentication in asp.net core

 JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is a popular way of implementing authentication in ASP.NET applications. Here are the steps involved in implementing JWT authentication in ASP.NET:

Install the required packages: 

First, you need to install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer package using NuGet Package Manager.

Configure authentication: 

Next, you need to configure authentication in your ASP.NET application by adding the following code to the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs file:


    .AddJwtBearer(options =>


        options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters


            ValidateIssuer = true,

            ValidateAudience = true,

            ValidateLifetime = true,

            ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,

            ValidIssuer = Configuration["Jwt:Issuer"],

            ValidAudience = Configuration["Jwt:Audience"],

            IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Configuration["Jwt:Key"]))



This code configures the JWT authentication scheme and sets the options for token validation.

Generate a token: 

When a user logs in, you need to generate a JWT token and return it to the client. You can use the JwtSecurityTokenHandler class to generate a token, like this:

var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

var key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your-secret-key");

var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor


    Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[]


        new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "username")


    Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1),

    SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new SymmetricSecurityKey(key),



var token = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);

var tokenString = tokenHandler.WriteToken(token);

Protect routes: 

Finally, you need to protect routes in your ASP.NET application by adding the [Authorize] attribute to controllers or actions that require authentication.

The request flow for JWT authentication in ASP.NET is as follows:

  1. The client sends a request to the server with a JWT token in the Authorization header.
  2. The server receives the request and validates the JWT token using the configured options.
  3. If the token is valid, the server allows the request to proceed and executes the requested action.
  4. If the token is invalid or expired, the server returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response to the client.