In C#, boxing and unboxing are concepts used to convert between value types and reference types.
Boxing is the process of converting a value type into a reference type. This is done by wrapping the value of the value type in an object of the corresponding reference type. For example, when an integer value is boxed, it is wrapped in an object of the System.Object class. The boxed object can then be assigned to a reference type variable or passed as a parameter to a method that expects a reference type.
Unboxing is the opposite of boxing, and it is the process of converting a reference type that was previously boxed back into its original value type. This is done by extracting the value from the object and assigning it to a value type variable.
Here's an example of how boxing and unboxing work in C#:
int i = 10; // Value type variable
object o = i; // Boxing: i is converted to a reference type object and assigned to o
int j = (int)o; // Unboxing: the value of o is extracted and assigned to a value type variable j
In the above example, the value of the integer variable i is boxed into an object variable o. The value is then unboxed and assigned back to an integer variable j.
It is important to note that boxing and unboxing operations can be expensive in terms of performance, especially when done repeatedly. This is because they involve the creation of new objects on the heap, which can lead to memory allocation and garbage collection overheads. Therefore, it is generally recommended to avoid boxing and unboxing operations as much as possible, and instead use generics or value types directly whenever possible.